Sock monkeys with Carol Petrucci


February 22, 2020 - 1:00 pm


February 22, 2020 - 5:00 pm


Old Parish House, 4711 Knox Road, College Park MD 20740   View map
Make new friends and learn a new art skill as you participate in these
hands-on arts workshops at the Old Parish House. RSVP is required.
Sat. Feb. 22, 1-5pm: Sock monkeys with Carol Petrucci.
In this workshop you will learn to make your own sock monkey out of a pair of socks.
Instructions, socks, stuffing, needle and embroidery floss will be provided. $15.

 Impilium Simia, the primate species to which modern sock monkey belongs, emerged in the Victorian era, thriving in 1932 with the evolution of the common Rockford Red Heel. Their populations rose over the course of generations through a process of natural selection and creativity. Sightings of the species dwindled with the rise of technology and commercialization, but have recently rebounded in more unique and colorful than ever before. Sock monkeys are nostalgic, huggable and said to bring good luck. They can also be impulsive and prone to mischief.

Instructor: Carol Petrucci is a ceramic artist, art instructor and community artist. Her love of sock monkeys began 20 years ago after making her husband stop in traffic so she could purchase her first sock monkey for a dime at a garage sale. “Captain Pete” who couldn’t get enough to eat was a beloved fixture in her household until he decided to join a troupe of stuffed animals protesting primate research in Wisconsin. (this is all true)

