Coronavirus Announcement
Dear College Park Arts Exchange community:
Please do ask anyone who is sick, or has someone sick in their family, to stay home from group activities.
We also encourage hand washing as much as possible. The standard is to wash hands for 20 seconds with hot soapy water, or use hand sanitizer when changing location. It is probably a good idea for folks to sanitize their hands in their car before and after any event. The recommended hand sanitizer is alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
It is good to limit physical contact as much as possible and stay a little farther apart than normal.
Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue, your sleeve, or your elbow. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
CPAE has requested the City to provide extra cleaning materials at the Old Parish House, so that surfaces and door knobs can be sanitized.
Thank you for your understanding, and best wishes for your continued good health and peace of mind.
Melissa Sites
College Park Arts Exchange