Art Club
Spend your evening creating art with friendly neighbors. Bring your own art project and materials. We are not an art class but will start each meeting with a group warmup to get our creative juices flowing. Not sure art is for you? No worries, consider low pressure projects like an art journal or collage. We […]
Hatha Yoga Class
This Hatha yoga class includes poses that are designed to strengthen and stretch the body. These postures (asanas) are typically held for a 5-10 yogic breaths, with an emphasis on breathwork (pranayama), guided concentration and relaxation. This class is suitable for all levels. $10 drop-in fee; $70 for an 8-week session. Starts March 19. Click […]
Needle Arts Club
The Needle Arts Club meets at the Old Parish House on select Sundays from 5 pm – 8 pm.
Book Club on Zoom
Our theme is literary non-fiction by women, though we have been known to read a novel or something by a man. Our meetings are informal and you are welcome even if you did not finish the book! Some of our favorite books have included: Alex and Me, by Irene Pepperberg (a scientist writes about the […]
Hatha Yoga Class
This Hatha yoga class includes poses that are designed to strengthen and stretch the body. These postures (asanas) are typically held for a 5-10 yogic breaths, with an emphasis on breathwork (pranayama), guided concentration and relaxation. This class is suitable for all levels. $10 drop-in fee; $70 for an 8-week session. Starts March 19. Click […]
Art Club
Spend your evening creating art with friendly neighbors. Bring your own art project and materials. We are not an art class but will start each meeting with a group warmup to get our creative juices flowing. Not sure art is for you? No worries, consider low pressure projects like an art journal or collage. We […]
Hatha Yoga Class
This Hatha yoga class includes poses that are designed to strengthen and stretch the body. These postures (asanas) are typically held for a 5-10 yogic breaths, with an emphasis on breathwork (pranayama), guided concentration and relaxation. This class is suitable for all levels. $10 drop-in fee; $70 for an 8-week session. Starts March 19. Click […]
Art Club
Spend your evening creating art with friendly neighbors. Bring your own art project and materials. We are not an art class but will start each meeting with a group warmup to get our creative juices flowing. Not sure art is for you? No worries, consider low pressure projects like an art journal or collage. We […]
Art Drop-In – 2 locations
CPAE Arts Drop In features fun, materials-based activities for children age 3-8 with their caregivers, led by Ian Rogers, a local artist and Early Childhood Educator with 30 years experience. Select Saturdays. College Park Community Center, 5101 Pierce Avenue in Lakeland, 9:30 – 11:30 am Old Parish House, 4711 Knox Road in Old Town, 12:30-2 pm […]
Book Club on Zoom
Our theme is literary non-fiction by women, though we have been known to read a novel or something by a man. Our meetings are informal and you are welcome even if you did not finish the book! Some of our favorite books have included: Alex and Me, by Irene Pepperberg (a scientist writes about the […]
Art Club
Spend your evening creating art with friendly neighbors. Bring your own art project and materials. We are not an art class but will start each meeting with a group warmup to get our creative juices flowing. Not sure art is for you? No worries, consider low pressure projects like an art journal or collage. We […]
Book Club on Zoom
Our theme is literary non-fiction by women, though we have been known to read a novel or something by a man. Our meetings are informal and you are welcome even if you did not finish the book! Some of our favorite books have included: Alex and Me, by Irene Pepperberg (a scientist writes about the […]