As we emerge into stage 2 of reopening after quarantine, College Park Arts Exchange is overjoyed to present PorchFourth! a city-wide celebration of LIVE MUSIC performed in the neighborhoods of College Park! Using our grassroots network, we have matched over a dozen performers with pop-up locations for performance in five different College Park neighborhoods during the late […]
Quarantine Art: Tiny St. Patrick’s Day concert
Here is a tiny St. Patrick’s Day concert, which I hope will brighten your day: https://youtu.be/xH7Rg_WIqhE And here are a couple of sets of Irish tunes from Transatlantic Crossing: https://youtu.be/niq_7ZgkSaM, https://youtu.be/izNio0bCxzI Also a set of American “Quarantunes”, just for fun: https://youtu.be/H2Y92pmDDLU Do you have Quarantine art to share? Please share with us your favorite projects […]
Cancellations, a live-streamed concert … and more time to do art on your own!
Dear friends of CPAE, The St. Patrick’s Day concert featuring Paint Branch Creek will be presented as a livestream; please check our calendar or facebook to find the link. And read about it in the Washington Post! https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/the-beat-goes-online-dc-area-musicians-take-to-the-web-to-perform/2020/03/24/b0a16eec-6dd5-11ea-b148-e4ce3fbd85b5_story.html?fbclid=IwAR0Sl0B-I31fGwJx80C-eOjM2hbPNyE8F6efoBegiqutw8qXCEusq34MjbU The Seniors Arts Show has been canceled. The City has closed facilities for 30 days. All children’s activities […]
Coronavirus Announcement
Dear College Park Arts Exchange community: Please do ask anyone who is sick, or has someone sick in their family, to stay home from group activities. We also encourage hand washing as much as possible. The standard is to wash hands for 20 seconds with hot soapy water, or use hand sanitizer when […]
College Park Carolers
Carolers in College Park on Sunday, December 22, led by friends from College Park Chorale, were appreciated by College Park resident Julie Forker, who said, “What a treat it was for us and our visiting family to enjoy the sounds and joy of our neighboring carolers last night. THANK YOU all for bringing holiday cheer […]
Combined Community Concert
College Park Arts Exchange presented our Combined Community Concert on Tuesday at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church. The evening showcased players from many of CPAE’s performing arts programs, including College Park Youth Choir, CPYO Chamber Ensemble, Youth Music Traditions, and College Park Chorale, and featured the premiere of a brand new commissioned piece by Gabriel Ruiz-Bernal. […]
Glade Dance Collective – Works in Progress
Glade Dance Collective brings guest dance groups this Saturday to the Old Parish House to explore their works in progress, and invites participants to an improvisational dance workshop. The workshop is from 4 – 6 pm, and the show starts at 7 pm. Glade Dance Collective has presented quarterly works-in-progress showings at College Park Arts Exchange throughout […]
St. Martin’s Day Festival
College Park Arts Exchange holds an annual secular celebration of St. Martin’s Day, making paper lanterns to usher in the winter holiday season. This annual celebration is led by Birgit Meade, CPAE board member and native German, who remembers the Lantern Festival as a folk tradition of her homeland. Martin of Tours was a […]
Eric Maring New CD Releases
Eric Maring, one of College Park’s most beloved performer-educators, is releasing two new albums this fall, one for children and one for adults, and College Park Arts Exchange is hosting release parties at the Old Parish House for both CDs. The album for adults, entitled “Hero in the Epic,” will be unveiled on October 26 […]
Kids’ Multicultural Book Club
The CPAE Kids’ Multicultural Book Club starts this Saturday, hosted by College Park Community Library, 9704 Rhode Island Avenue. We will meet on Saturdays, Oct.19th and Nov.16th, from 10 – 11 am. Please contact info@cpae.org if your kid is interested in joining! The first book we will read is “Someone Like Me: How One Undocumented […]