CPAE is Connecting People through Arts Experiences.
At its heart, CPAE is about community. The College Park Arts Exchange seeks to build community by promoting the arts and cultural activities throughout Greater College Park.
CPAE brings together people from different neighborhoods, ethnic groups, and generations. CPAE makes nearby artistic, cultural, creative, and educational resources available to local residents of all ages and backgrounds, enhancing their quality of life and strengthening relations among the University of Maryland, the City of College Park, public schools, and other community institutions.

Location Information
Most events are held at the Old Parish House, located at 4711 Knox Road in College Park, at the corner of Knox Road and Dartmouth Ave.
Support CPAE
The College Park Arts Exchange is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, funded in part by the City of College Park, the Prince George’s Arts and Humanities Council, Maryland – National Capital Parks and Planning Commission, Prince George’s County Council, College Park Community Foundation, Gailes’ Violin Shop, Maryland Milestones/ATHA, and by your generous contributions.
You can support CPAE by selling your books on consignment at My Dead Aunt’s Books, 5132 Baltimore Blvd. Hyattsville, MD 20781, 240-472-9325. CPAE is grateful to Robert Harper for this fundraising opportunity.