Sacred Circle Dance
Lisa Bardack leads “Sacred Circle Dance” at the Old Parish House. The next event will be on March 29.
On Saturday, January 25, the dance honored “Deep Winter” and the first glimmers of spring. Here is more from Lisa:
Sacred circle dance is a collective dance experience that draws from ancient and traditional folk dances, many from Eastern Europe and the Balkans. Dancing to wonderful music and rhythms, we join the circle of grandmothers who initiated these dances and passed them on. Dancing in their footsteps, we experience a sense of something greater than ourselves, a continuum of which we are a sacred part. The dances evoke joy, peace, inspiration, insight, healing and a powerful sense of community and connect ion with each other and all life. Born from the Earth, these dances connect us to the rhythms of the seasons and the cycles of life. In this gathering, we will dance to honor the gifts of Winter, the season of rest and renewal, a time to go within and listen gently and deeply to the questions and desires we hold for our lives; to listen to our inner guidance that will shape our visions and actions for Spring. Dancing together, we will cultivate the energies of creativity and inspiration to water the seeds for Spring that are growing quietly from within.
In these circle dance gatherings, no dance experience is needed (just basic mobility and coordination), as the dances are simple to moderately easy, and the dance steps repetitive. This allows the dance to dance us! Dress in comfortable clothing and bring water to stay hydrated. I recommend shoes that are easy to move in but have a bit of padding, as the floor of the historic Old Parish House is a harder surface.
Come and enjoy the gifts of this wonderful form of movement meditation!