Only Rain down the Drain
CPAE cooperated with the City of College Park Committee for a Better Environment to identify storms drains around College Park and select artists to paint them with images reflecting local flora and fauna, conveying the message of “Only Rain down the Drain” in order to protect the Anacostia Watershed and Chesapeake Bay. This project was made possible in part by funding from Maryland State Arts Council. A total of 14 Storm Drains have now been completed!! CPAE helped identify and sponsor the artists, and hosted an Artists’ Reception in fall 2022.
Storm drains painted in FY23 include: “Tiny Bubbles” by Sierra Sigmone, 8015 Rhode Island, near Lakeland Community playground, painted September 2022; 6 murals painted along Guilford Road by members of Public Art class led by UM Prof. Brandon Donohue, fall 2022, including, “Fish,” “Turtle,” “Block Grid Mural,” “Maelstrom,” “Beaver Dam,” and “Birds in Flight;” “Sunset on the Water,” by Maria Soboleva, Jak Lunsford, and Maddie Olek, at Knox and Yale, behind City Hall, May 2023; “Wise Mr. Toad” and “Box Turtle Speaks Up” by H.K. Beall, at 9300 51st Avenue, at the Dog Park, May 2023; and “Your Creature Neighbors” by artist Niamh Ducky, at St. Andrew’s Place to the left of the entrance to the park, May 2023.
These beautiful murals are eye-catching, and convey a message of caring and positive, effective change to all who see them. Each mural is unique and brings art to places around College Park. I’m not sure how one would measure the foot traffic or the total number of impacts on all who see the murals. The mural project was also featured on News Channel 4 in August 2023; see slide show and link at https://www.collegeparkmd.gov/330/Sustainability .