CPAE music groups to restart in September 2021!
College Park Arts Exchange is happy to announce the return of our performing arts groups this fall! CPAE will continue to follow authorities as the pandemic unfolds.
College Park Chorale
The Chorale is a fun community choir of about 50 adults. We perform a wide variety of choral music at two concerts per year, as well as in local community events. All voice parts and levels of experience are welcome – no audition required. All singers must be fully vaccinated.
Meeting Weekly at St Andrews Episcopal Church, 4512 College Avenue, on Sundays, 6:30pm, from Sept. 19 – Nov. 14. Fee: $60. Register your interest here: https://forms.gle/mjwzVsso8aNxnuDz9; an online payment form will be sent in September.
collegeparkchorale.org, https://www.facebook.com/CPChorale
College Park Youth Choir and Vocetti
The College Park Youth Choir is a group of young talented voices (approx. 4 – 9 years old) who will grow and learn their vocal skills and music reading abilities through ensemble singing, individual solos, and fun musical games. Vocetti, is a group of auditioned young voices (approx. 9 – 16 years old) who will use their skills to learn more about a capella techniques, ensemble harmony, and basic music analysis through group activities and song.
The groups rehearse on Thursdays at the Old Parish House, 4711 Knox Road, College Park, beginning September 9: CPYC 6:30 – 7:15pm until Thanksgiving Break, and Vocetti 7:30 – 8:30 pm until Christmas Break. Fee: $85; pay online at https://cpae.wufoo.com/forms/college-park-youth-choir-and-vocetti/. CPYC: All are accepted.. All rehearsals that can be outside will be. Semester will end November, since it will be impractical to rehearse outside after that.
Vocetti: students who can get vaccinated SHOULD, rehearsals will be outside when practical, rehearsals will be spaced when we need to be indoors. Students who cannot get vaccinated MAY be encouraged to participate in CPYC for this semester. All: be sure to be present and on time at the first rehearsal, there may be a cap put on the groups in order to keep proper social distancing.
College Park Youth Orchestra
CPYO helps young string players develop their reading and listening skills and introduces them to the joys of ensemble playing. Repertoire is carefully selected to challenge the reading abilities of string players from the advanced beginner level to the advanced level. Rehearsals, beginning Sept. 26, are at the Old Parish House, 4711 Knox Road. See full schedule and registration information at cpyo.net. Auditions for Intermediate and Chamber Ensembles are Sunday, Sept. 12.
College Park Youth Band
A community youth band including wind, brass, and percussion players, serving students in grades 6 – 8 with min. 2 years’ playing experience. Rehearsing Monday nights, 6 – 7:30 pm, Greenbelt Middle School Band Room, beginning September 27. Fee: $100 per semester, pay online. Music will be passed out at rehearsals. Inquiries can be sent to collegeparkyouthband@gmail.com
College Park Youth Music Traditions
Register today for CPYMT, an exciting bi-weekly gathering where kids learn to play traditional music (Americana, Irish, Blues, Jazz, Bluegrass and beyond) by ear in a group setting. In between our gatherings, kids have access to video and audio of all CPYMT songs to continue their learning. Gatherings and performances are guided by Eric Maring (“Mr. M”) and Ian Riggs and assisted by Nora Strauss-Riggs. Gatherings will take place at the Old Parish House in College Park, outdoor as is possible, inside or on zoom if needed.
We generally meet alternate Mondays. First gathering is Monday, September 13, 2021 from 6:15-7:30pm. Arrive to tune and warm-up 6:15-6:30. Music begins at 6:30. Fall session is 10 weeks with tentative date for final performance on Jan. 19, 2022. Musicians (age 6-17) should be taking lessons and proficient on their instrument to participate. We have had fiddles, guitars, bass, piano, mando, sax, ukes and more! An audition may be requested by the facilitators. Fee: $175. Checks payable to CPAE due at first class. Questions? Eric Maring at maringmusic@gmail.com.