Cicada Swarm Art Storm!
College Park Arts Exchange is hoping that you will want to celebrate the 17 yr. Cicada with the art of your choice!
If you write a song, poem, play, or short story about cicadas, please share with us!
If you make a painting, drawing, sculpture, piece of jewelry or fiber art of the cicada, please share with us!
We will be featuring Cicada art on the CPAE Blog from now until the end of the swarm.
Contact us at info@cpae.org, to let us know about your art or to look for collaborators for your cicada swarm flashmob dance — or whatever the case may be!
This is the artwork we have so far!
Click here for a video of a short play, Cicada Songs, by Amy S. Hansen. https://youtu.be/vclLyC27WIw
The band ilyAIMY (i love you And I Miss You)’s 10th album “cicada” was released in the summer of 2017 in time to an off-year Brood X emergence.
The album is available for download at https://ilyaimy.bandcamp.com/album/cicada, or in CD format at https://ilyaimy.com.
This poem, “Cicada Summer” by Heather Aubrey Lloyd, was written during the last Brood X emergence in 2004, and is included on the album “cicada” by ilyAIMY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmRwWh-iJes
This Cicadas Song is written and performed by Kate Buckholdt: https://youtu.be/yqIy-9y9HFc.
Here is a video of a cicada egg by Melissa: https://youtu.be/foA6ILoOZ4M
Here is some cicada artwork (click on the thumbnails below to enlarge):
1. Album artwork by ilyAIMY
2. Cross-stitch by Anne Gardner
3. Cicada egg by Melissa Sites
4. Cicada sculpture from found materials by Melissa Sites
5. & 6. Cicada sketches by Millie Tansill
7. Cicada jewelry by Lucy Dirksen of LFDStudios
8. Large cicada, “Yayoi, the Kusama Cic(ah)da”, part of Cicada Parade-a, an art project from The Formstone Castle Collective in Baltimore, painted by Isobel Taylorch and Susan Taylor.