Glade Dance Collective – Works in Progress
Glade Dance Collective brings guest dance groups this Saturday to the Old Parish House to explore their works in progress, and invites participants to an improvisational dance workshop. The workshop is from 4 – 6 pm, and the show starts at 7 pm.
Glade Dance Collective has presented quarterly works-in-progress showings at College Park Arts Exchange throughout 2019. Now wrapping up the first full year of this exciting partnership, more dates are already on the books for 2020.
Glade will present an iteration of their current project re-exploring 2010’s “District. Defined?”, plus hey have invited DanceArtTheater, May Kesler, and Covenant Babatunde to show what they have been up to this fall. Your feedback is a crucial part of each group’s processes!
Join Glade and CPAE:
When: Saturday, Dec. 14
4-6pm: Improvisation workshop (workshop participants have an opportunity to perform with Glade in the showing)
7-8pm: Works in progress showing
Where: College Park Arts Exchange @ Old Parish House, 4711 Knox Road (corner of Knox and Dartmouth) College Park, MD. Metro: College Park (Green line)
Workshop fee: $10 at the door.
Showing: Suggested $15 donation at the door
NACHMO National Choreography Month is coming! In January, Glade hosts the D.C. challenge, but did you know there are other NACHMOs around the country too? Start thinking about how you’d like to participate – as a choreographer, as a dancer, or as an audience member.
Want to get in touch with Glade or an individual member? info@gladedance.org is the best way to get in touch with us! Current Glade members include Betsy Loikow, Emma Dozier, Lauren Borchard, Shauna Edson, and Sarah Raker.
Photo of Jessica Hoversen’s NACHMO DC 2019 piece by Rob Cannon.