College Park Youth Band Beginning
The College Park Youth Band will begin this fall. Darelynn Fung and Sarah Winston, co-directors, are excited to be working with area musicians primarily in grades six through eight.
Fung and Winston go way back to their freshman year of college! They played in chamber music groups together as well as lived together. Both women have been teaching for over two decades and are passionate about music and teaching. Darelynn is the band director at Greenbelt Middle School and Sarah is the instrumental instructor at Hollywood Elementary in College Park and Vansville Elementary in Beltsville.
The goal for the College Park Youth Band is to build it into a musical enrichment program for band students of all ages from different areas. Wind, brass, and percussion players from public, private, and charter schools as well as those who are home schooled are encouraged to participate.
In addition to bringing young musicians together from various backgrounds, the directors will be challenging the students musically. Music will be chosen from a variety of repertoire, providing the students with the opportunity to play contemporary music as well as pieces that are a staple to wind band literature.
The College Park Youth Band will participate in the same concerts as the College Park Youth Orchestras. If you have questions about the ensemble, please contact collegeparkyouthband@gmail.com.